Truman Choral Ensemble Auditions

Welcome to Truman State University! A vocal audition is required for membership in Cantoria and Voci. These auditions are intended to be friendly and low-stress, and they serve as a vocal placement for all of our choirs. There is no audition for Chorus!
Fall, 2024
1) Auditions will take place Sunday, August 18 to Wednesday August 21
2) Sign up for an audition time with the QR Code OR at Dr. Jennings Office (OP 1368) after you arrive on campus
3) For the audition, you will sing a solo song. Folk songs, art song, arias, and “legit” (singable) MT all work. No pop solos, please. If you need a song to sing, something like America the Beautiful works well. Bring your music from home if possible!
4) Before the audition, be sure to fill out a Choral Audition form (print this form or pick one up outside my office door, OP 1368. Let me know if you have any questions at all!

During the audition, you will:
- sing vocalizes
- sing your song
- sing back melodies you hear on the piano (tonal memory)
- for those interested in Cantoria, a short sight-reading segment will also be included.